rapid response

Democrats To Parents: We Know Your Kids Better Than You

Democrats like Terry McAuliffe and Joe Biden don’t want parents to be in charge of their kids’ education.

It's not just McAuliffe (though his record is particularly egregious); Biden’s Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recently agreed, suggesting that parents should not be the “primary stakeholder” in their kids’ education.

 Liberal unions and activist school boards are gleefully enacting radical, far-left curriculum like critical race theory in states across the country, and it’s clear why they want parents shut out.

  • In Oregon, Democrat Gov. Kate Brown signed a law that “drops the requirement that high school students prove proficiency in reading, writing, or math before graduation.”
  • In California, a high school teacher decorated his classroom with hateful posters that included slogans such as “F*** THE POLICE” and “F*** AMERIKKKA.”
  • In Atlanta, Georgia, Democrat elementary school officials segregated kids by race.
  • In New Jersey, new sex education standards – praised by Planned Parenthood and other far-left special interests – require that students as young as five years old are taught about “abortion as an option for pregnancy.”
  • In New York, a Democrat lawmaker is pushing to require children as young as eight years old to learn about “hormone blockers.”
  • In Virginia, officials are moving to eliminate advanced diplomas to pursue “equity” in education, and a school library included books on the subject matter of “pedophilia.”
    • McAuliffe vetoed a bill that would require schools to warn parents about these books.

Democrat politicians want you to believe that they know more about your kids than you do; it’s all part of their plan.

Democrats wrongly think politicians know best. Republicans know parents do.

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