rapid response

Don't Ask KJP About Biden's Baby Formula Crisis
Jake - Schneider

It’s clear the Biden administration botched the nationwide baby formula shortage from the very beginning.

The crisis surfaced in February, but baby formula is still hard to find across the country – and so are answers.

Just don’t ask Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre; she doesn’t have any idea.

  • MAY 11: “I don’t know” who is running point on the baby formula shortage, but “I can find out.”
  • MAY 16: "I don't have a timeline" on when the shortage will ease.
  • MAY 22: “I don’t have a timeline” as to when parents will be able to access formula readily.
  • JUNE 2: “There’s no specific person” that first briefed Biden on the shortage.
  • JUNE 13: “Uh, I know we made some announcements last week, I just don’t have them in front of me.”

Of course, this doesn’t even include the barrage of confounding statements from other administration officials.

Parents are still waiting on tarmacs for formula imported from other countries – just so they can feed their babies.

It didn’t have to be this way.

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