rapid response

"Elderly Man With A Poor Memory"
Jake - Schneider

A special counsel found Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” — including classified documents related to national security and “sensitive intelligence sources and methods” — in his home, garage, and office for decades.

But in a classic example of the double standard of justice, Biden won’t be charged because he’s a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Even so, the special counsel’s report is an abject disaster for Biden.

According to the report, Biden “did not remember when he was vice president” or “when his son Beau died,” and exhibited “diminished faculties” and “significant limitations” during his interview with the special counsel. The special counsel said Biden’s handling of the classified documents — often found in “damaged” and “opened” containers — “present serious risks to national security.”

Meanwhile, Biden — who has repeatedly said he bears no responsibility for those 50 years of malfeasance — celebrated the double standard.

Democrats want to give this man four more years? Yikes.

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