rapid response

Even The NYT Is Calling Out Biden's Lies
Jake - Schneider

Biden’s increasingly delusional chronic lying has become so egregious, even The New York Times is calling it out — admitting Biden “has made some misleading statements” in recent weeks.

Ya think?

Earlier this month, Biden told the National Association of Counties his semiconductor legislation has “attracted $640 billion in private companies’ investment” — a claim Biden has made before.

That’s straight up “false,” according to the Times: “Estimates of private investments spurred by the CHIPS and Science Act…do not come in at $640 billion. By some measures, it is a fraction of that.”

Their fact check also examines Biden’s false job creation claim (a subject RNC Research has previously covered), misleading stimulus checks claim, and false wealth claim — just a few of the lies Biden has told about his economic record.

The very existence of their fact check — a rarity from the mainstream media in the Biden era — underscores a quintessential truth about Biden: you can’t trust anything the man says and it shows.

Coupled with his obvious cognitive decline, Biden is a walking shuffling national security risk.

He must go.

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