rapid response

Everything About Kamala's Campaign Is FAKE
Jake - Schneider

Today, ahead of her event in New Hampshire, Kamala is literally importing people from out of state on busses in a desperate attempt to feign enthusiasm.

Why can't she draw a crowd of actual New Hampshire voters?

Of course, it's not the first time Kamala has relied on manufactured support. Kamala (and the powerful special interests supporting her) bussed in supporters for her "rallies" in Georgia, and Michigan, while her big "rally" in Arizona was "invitation only."

Her supporters aren't the only thing "fake" about her campaign:

  • The ticket is fake — having never received a single primary vote before being installed as their party's nominees.
  • The platform is fake — with no specifics on how they plan to reverse the destruction Democrats have unleashed on Americans. Their website doesn't even feature a "policies" page!
  • The promises are fake — as if Kamala hasn't been in charge of the government for the past four years, while doing nothing to fix the problems she claims are her priority (since she caused them).
  • The "joy" is fake — since we know Kamala doesn't actually care about Americans (only illegals).

When you're the one responsible for the crises Americans are facing, you have nothing else on which to run — while hoping Americans don't catch on to your Radical Left lunacy.

Kamala Harris is running the fakest campaign in modern political history, and it's not even close.

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