rapid response

Fetterman supports decriminalizing fentanyl
Kyle - Martinsen

“That is just not true.”

That was John Fetterman’s response in last week’s debate after Dr. Mehmet Oz called him out for endorsing an Oregon law decriminalizing hard drugs.

For months, Fetterman and his campaign have told Pennsylvanians he “does not” support hard drug decriminalization.  

But a new video shows Fetterman has been lying for months. In November 2020, Fetterman applauded Oregon for “decriminalizing small amounts of drugs.”

This Oregon law — Measure 110 — decriminalized simple possession of ALL drugs, including fentanyl. In the first year since it took effect, drug overdose deaths increased by 40 percent

This is what John Fetterman wants to bring to Pennsylvania.

As always, Fetterman is worried about the criminals — not the innocent lives and families being destroyed by fentanyl.

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