rapid response

History Will Remember
Jake - Schneider

History will remember Biden for his destruction, chaos, and failure.

Then history won’t remember him at all.

Biden was in Texas yesterday as illegal aliens rushed the southern border near El Paso. He couldn’t be bothered to comment, though; he had money to raise and Republicans to smear.

The Biden administration is aiding and abetting an invasion. Biden’s 94 executive actions in his first 100 days dismantled border security as he implemented a “catch, release, and resettle” plan that has resettled millions of illegal aliens in communities across the country.

Now, 80,000 Americans are dying every year from fentanyl overdoses as deadly drugs flow across the open border in record volumes. Needless crimes are being committed by individuals who shouldn’t even be in the country — and they’re the ones to whom Biden is apologizing.

President Trump secured our border once — and he’ll do it again.

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