rapid response

Joe & Hunter - It's in writing

Joe Biden’s name sure comes up A LOT in conversations about Hunter’s businesses.

And not just passing references – they specifically mention Joe being involved and cashing in. It’s literally in WRITING:

  • In 2017, two of Hunter’s business partners talked about how it’s forbidden to mention Joe’s involvement over text or email … as they mentioned Joe’s involvement over text.

  • The day after Joe had dinner with Hunter’s Russia, Ukrainian, and Kazakh business partners, one of them emailed Hunter thanking him for the “opportunity to meet your father.”

  • After meeting with Joe, his brother Jim Biden, and Hunter, to discuss their deal with communist China, Tony Bobulinski texted Jim telling him to “thank Joe for his time.”

  • In 2019, Hunter complained in a text to his daughter that he gives his father, Joe Biden, “half” his salary:

  • In 2017, Hunter literally described Joe as one of his “new office mates” and had a key made for him.  

And that doesn’t even count references to the “big guy,” the many meetings Joe had with Hunter’s partners, the lifts he gave Hunter, or the favors he did for Hunter’s business associate.

The writing’s on the wall. The more evidence that comes in, the more it looks like Joe was involved in Hunter’s foreign business dealings – the same dealings that are now being investigated by the Justice Department.

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