rapid response

Kamala Abdicates On Border
Jake - Schneider

Kamala Harris is proving Republicans’ point: the Biden administration has decimated U.S. border security.

From the “border czar’s” interview with Remezcla this week: “According to the Vice President, the current administration’s immigration policies largely involve undoing the previous one’s work.”

That’s true — and Americans are paying the steep price. In their first 100 days, Biden and Harris issued 94 executive actions diluting border security, including halting construction of the border wall and ending the successful “Remain in Mexico” policy. Illegal immigrants literally thanked the Biden administration for the weak policies; they “didn’t even want to try” to cross the border before.

Now, the border is as dangerous as ever:

  • A record 7.8+ million illegal immigrants have crossed the border during the Biden administration, including at least 1.6 million who have simply vanished into the country.
    • There were a record number of illegal crossings in FY2023, breaking the previous record set last fiscal year.
    • For 31 straight months, monthly illegal border crossings have been higher than even the highest month under the previous administration.
  • At least 169 individuals on the terror watchlist were arrested at the southern border in FY2023 — more than the previous six years combined.
  • Tens of thousands of “special interest aliens” from countries conducive to terrorism have crossed the border, with the Biden administration paroling thousands more directly into the country.

Biden and Harris have each visited the border just once since taking office, but the crisis isn’t going away.

It’s getting worse — and it’s on their hands.

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