rapid response

Kamala Is Against A Border Wall — And She Always Has Been
Jake - Schneider

No amount of walk-backs from anonymous aides can erase Kamala Harris' longstanding opposition to border security — including her yearslong crusade against President Trump's border wall.

If Kamala wants to take a new position, she can emerge from hiding and explain herself — but until then, her far-left record of opposition to the border wall speaks for itself:

  • "I’ve joined my colleagues to introduce a bill that would rescind Trump’s order to construct the border wall." (2017)
  • President Trump's border wall is "un-American." (2018)
  • President Trump's border wall is a "medieval vanity project." (2019)
  • "I'm not gonna vote for a [border] wall under any circumstances." (2019)
  • "This issue is about a vanity project ... that wall ain't going to stop [illegal aliens]." (2019)
  • "[President Trump's] vanity project called a wall." (2019)
  • "We don't need to build a wall ... It is not an emergency." (2019)
  • "A vanity project that he calls a wall." (2019)
  • "We cannot continue to have an administration and a president of the United States who puts his vanity projects ahead of the needs of the people." (2019)
  • "Trump's border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won't make us any safer." (2020)

That says nothing of Kamala's starring role in an administration that halted construction of President Trump's border wall on their literal first day in office.

Of course, Kamala also backs mass amnestysanctuary citiesabolishing ICEdecriminalizing illegal border crossingsfree health care for illegals, and so much more — and after she ferried millions of illegals into the country, we're just supposed to take the word of some low-level intern that she's suddenly prioritizing border enforcement?

No, because that's who Kamala Harris is — a weak, deranged, open borders radical who will stop at nothing to enact her Marxist delusions.

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