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Laptop from Hell and Joe Biden: What Did He Know?
Jake - Schneider

After a new report by The New York Times reconfirmed the veracity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, we have reached a new phase in the Biden corruption scandal.

It is hard to overstate the significance of The Times’ admission, which had been summarily dismissed by Democrats and the corporate media as “Russian disinformation.”

The laptop’s hard drive contained a trove of documents that shed extensive light on the questionable business dealings and raunchy personal life of Hunter Biden. Namely, the laptop contained an e-mail from an adviser to Burisma – an Ukrainian energy company on whose board Hunter served and which was being investigated for corruption – thanking him for arranging a meeting with then-VP Joe Biden, as well as an equity proposal from Chinese energy executives that suggested a payment mechanism for Joe Biden (“10 held by H for the big guy”).

The laptop also included countless other correspondences that demonstrated just how hard Hunter tried to leverage his father’s influence for his own financial gain.

Still, major questions remain about the Biden family’s shady foreign business ventures while Joe Biden was vice president:

  • Why was Hunter paid millions by a corrupt Ukrainian gas company while his father oversaw America’s foreign policy in Ukraine?
  • Why did Hunter receive a $3.5 million wire transfer from Russian billionaire Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, in 2014?
  • Why – after hitching a ride on Air Force Two with Joe Biden to China – did Hunter’s firm sign a deal with the Chinese government potentially worth $1.5 billion?
  • Why did Hunter open a joint bank account with a Chinese national that financed a $100K shopping spree for Hunter and his family?

Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about his family’s foreign business dealings, and has previously claimed to have no knowledge of Hunter’s schemes. That’s hard to believe considering officials have been raising concerns about the Biden family’s corruption for years.

So what, exactly, does Joe Biden know?

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