rapid response

Kyle - Martinsen

LOOK AT THESE PHOTOGRAPHS — and they’re just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s corrupt foreign business dealings.  

  • Biden met with his son Hunter’s business associates on at least 17 occasions.
  • Hunter admitted in 2019 that he gives his father “half” his salary and has “pa[id] for everything for this entire family for 30 years.” 
  • In 2018, Joe Biden left Hunter a voicemail telling him he wanted to discuss his business in China.
  • Tony Bobulinski — a former Biden family business partner — detailed publicly how he met with Joe Biden to discuss a Chinese business deal.

Despite all of this, no Biden family home has ever been raided by a law enforcement agency.  

Why? Because there are two standards of justice in our country: one where the corrupt, well-to-do liberal elites walk free while those on the right are targeted, harassed, and investigated.

The only way to end this corrupt system is by electing Republican majorities this fall.

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