rapid response

Mandela Barnes is as radical as they come
Jake - Schneider

Mandela Barnes, the Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, is even farther left than your typical Democrat.

In fact, Barnes is so far-left, he’s hardly a Democrat at all; he’s a founding member of the state’s Working Families Party — a far-left organization dedicated to advancing the most radical, far-left ideas and politicians in America.

Barnes gives radicalism a new name:

Barnes has repeatedly called for defunding “over-bloated” police departments and has said it “pains” him to see fully funded police budgets. He has also called for “a reduction of spending” on state corrections budgets and says he “wish[es] we could accelerate” releasing violent criminals from prison.

Barnes also wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) altogether and supports driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Barnes supports entirely government-run health care, eliminating the Senate filibuster, and is open to packing the Supreme Court with far-left activist judges.

Barnes wants to move Wisconsin and the country closer and closer to socialism.

What else do you expect from the guy who called the founding of America “awful”?

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