rapid response

On School Re-Openings, Biden Put Union Boss First
Jake - Schneider

For months, the Biden administration refused to back school re-openings lest they scorn the powerful special interests that fund Democrats’ campaigns.

We already knew Biden slow walked school re-openings as long as he could. We already knew Biden’s CDC asked union boss Randi Weingarten for “language” on school re-openings, which became the CDC’s official guidance. We already knew the two largest teachers’ unions received copies of that guidance before it was made public.

But as it turns out, Biden cared about kids even less than we thought.

According to a new report, officials from Biden’s CDC and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were directed to work with the teachers’ union bosses to consider school re-openings “in the broader context of teacher contract negotiations.”

Aren’t schools supposed to be all about the kids? And why are powerful, far-left union bosses dictating public policy that affects millions of American children?

While kids suffered, Biden turned a blind eye. He put kids last and his special interest buddies first.

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