rapid response

ONE YEAR LATER: No Accountability for Afghanistan
Jake - Schneider

One year ago today, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul was evacuated, al-Qaeda terrorists were freed from the prison at Bagram Air Base, and the Afghan capital fell to the Taliban.

Predictably, Joe Biden was on vacation, while his administration officials used the same incompetent spin and blame that has come to define them.

Worst of all, though, are all of Biden’s lies and broken promises:

  • After all troops were pulled out, Biden claimed “100-200” Americans were left behind — and promised (repeatedly) to get “all” Americans out.
  • In April 2021, Biden said, “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit. We’ll do it responsibility, deliberately, and safely.”
  • Al-Qaeda is “gone” from Afghanistan, Biden claimed.
    • REALITY: Today, al-Qaeda is “actively” using Afghanistan to plot attacks against the U.S.
  • Biden said it “wasn’t true“ that his military advisors warned against pulling out of Afghanistan completely.
    • REALITY: Biden’s top generals advocated for leaving at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.
  • Biden falsely claimed, “the intelligence community did not say” Afghanistan was “gonna collapse like it did.” 
    • REALITY: Biden received intelligence reports in July warning of a “potential domino effect throughout Afghanistan should the United States withdraw.”
  • Biden promised to “hunt down“ those responsible for the murder of 13 U.S. servicemembers: 
    • REALITY: Biden droned ten innocent Afghans, including seven children.

Joe Biden blamed everyone but himself for his botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

One year later, it’s far past the time for accountability.

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