rapid response

Open Borders Have Tragic Consequences
Jake - Schneider

Lives of everyday Americans have been shattered as a direct result of Biden’s open border policies — and he doesn’t care.

Tomorrow’s pathetic, sanitized border drive-by isn’t going to do a thing to help.

In recent days, Americans have borne witness to the tragic consequences wrought by Biden’s open border:

  • A 22-year-old Georgia nursing student was brutally murdered by an illegal alien from Venezuela — who had previously been charged with a crime, then released, by New York City Democrats.
  • A two-year-old Maryland child was killed by an illegal alien from El Salvador.
  • A 14-year-old Louisiana teenager was raped at knifepoint, and another man was repeatedly stabbed, during a robbery by an illegal alien from Honduras.

There is one person to blame: Biden. Millions of illegal aliens have been released directly into U.S. communities with little to no vetting during his tenure — a consequence of his unilateral “parole” scheme. A record 9+ million illegal immigrants, including 1.8+ million known “gotaways,” have crossed the border under Biden — and most are here to stay if Biden gets his way.

And yet, Biden hasn’t said a word about these victims of such senseless, preventable crimes.

How much more pain do Americans have to bear before Biden takes the border crisis seriously? He could end it today — but he refuses.

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