rapid response

Out: Science; In: Forever Mask Mandates on Kids

When it comes to forcing masks on toddlers, the Biden administration no longer cares about science.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki made that clear during the White House press briefing today. Psaki:

  • Said Biden continues to support mandates on children even though there is “no convincing evidence” they work.
  • Abandoned efforts to “model the science,” instead telling kids to wear masks in school despite the harm.
  • Couldn’t say who makes the call on ending the administration’s support for mandates.
  • Said “masks are effective at reducing transmission” when asked if Biden takes into account “kids’ mental health.”
  • Dismissed Americans for being "confused and frustrated and having no idea who they should be listening to" on COVID because of Biden’s mixed messaging.
  • Insisted "there is also a huge chunk of people who still want masks" when defending mandates on toddlers.
  • Continued to attack states that are empowering parents on masks.

Reminder: the science does not support mask mandates on toddlers in schools. That’s why most of the free world has already moved on from these inhumane mandates.

It’s time to unmask our kids!

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