rapid response

PART II: Dems have a TikTok problem
Jake - Schneider

We already know the Biden administration wants it both ways on TikTok — and among Democrats, they’re certainly not alone.

Despite TikTok's ties to the Chinese Communist Party, many Democrats don't see it as much of a national security threat at all:

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman said Republicans pushing to ban the app “ain’t got no swag” — ignoring the app’s Chinese Communist Party ties.
    • Bowman even ADMITTED he’s against banning TikTok because it could “harm [Democrats] politically in 2024.”
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — in a post on TikTokexplained she’s against banning the Chinese spyware app because “it just doesn’t feel right.”
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar cited “disinformation campaigns” as a reason for opposing a ban.
  • Rep. Mark Pocan said protecting Americans’ privacy by banning TikTok would be “xenophobic” and “a threat to this country.”
  • Rep. Robert Garcia called himself a “strong supporter” of TikTok — despite its ties to the Chinese Communist Party: “Do not ban TikTok. We need it.”
  • Rep. Lori Trahan said she is “wary” of a TikTok ban and she “has a responsibility not to fall prey to tribalism or nationalism.”
  • Rep. Maxwell Frost said he’s “not for unilaterally getting rid of TikTok,” — making no mention of TikTok’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Rep. Yvette Clarke declared “no one” in the Democrat Party “wants a ban.”
  • Rep. Frank Pallone said he’s not sold on banning the Chinese spyware app: “I haven’t said that I’m for or against a ban.”
  • Sen. Mark Kelly downplayed the idea of a ban.

What could be more important than protecting the privacy of millions of Americans from a foreign adversary?

For Democrats, it’s politics.

Click here for Part I: Biden has a TikTok problem

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