rapid response

President Trump Is Showing Up
Jake - Schneider

President Trump isn’t afraid to show up.

That commitment will be on full display later today, when President Trump holds a rally in the Bronxa community long taken for granted by Democrats who promise everything and deliver nothing.

It echoes President Trump’s record of delivering results for all Americans — including minority communities.

During President Trump’s first term, unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans reached record lowsas did the poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Nearly seven million Americans were lifted off food stamps, while income inequality fell for two straight years.

The American Dream was more attainable than ever — until Crooked Joe Biden took office and screwed it all up.

Under Biden, wage gains have slowed dramatically for Black Americans compared to other demographics, prolonged inflation has disproportionately impacted minority households, and crime has disproportionately ravaged minorities in Democrat-run cities.

Of course, Biden is also a lifelong racist, shameless panderer, and chronic liar.

Voters in the Bronx know which candidate respects them — and it’s why voters are abandoning Crooked Joe Biden in droves.

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