rapid response

Prices Aren't "Down" — They're WAY UP
Jake - Schneider

Kamala desperately wants Americans to believe prices have done *anything* but surge during her tenure — but there's no end in sight

New data shows year-over-year inflation was 2.9% in July — more than twice the rate it was when Kamala took office and the 41st month above the Fed's target rate.

Under Kamala, overall prices are up 20.2% — with electricity up 31.7%, groceries up 21.6%, and rent up 22%. Real average weekly earnings, meanwhile, are DOWN by 3.9% since Kamala took office; they INCREASED by 8.2% under President Trump.

Year-over-year inflation has averaged 5.3%  during Kamala's tenure — more than DOUBLE the level of inflation under any of the last four presidents. Under President Trump, inflation averaged 1.9% — right on target.

It's part of the Kamala-induced cost of living crisis. Americans' credit card debt has reached another new all-time high. Energy prices have soared 13 times faster than the previous seven years. The cost of homeownership is at its highest in more than three decades as monthly mortgage payments have skyrocketed.

Kamala's inflation crisis has cost the average family an extra $26,000 paying for the increased cost of living.

Are you better off now than you were under President Trump? Of course not.

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