rapid response

PRISON BREAK: Mandela Barnes Edition
Jake - Schneider

In Wisconsin, extremist Democrat Senate candidate Mandela Barnes wants HALF of the state’s inmate population to be released — a notion he claims will “make our communities safer.”

It’s a radical sentiment Barnes has echoed for years.

68 percent of Wisconsin inmates are violent criminals, but that didn’t stop Barnes from overseeing a 15 percent drop in the state’s prison population and 16 percent increase in early releases during his term as lieutenant governor.

Of course, we already know Barnes is a far-left radical who won’t keep Wisconsinites safe. Barnes has repeatedly called for defunding “over-bloated” police departments and “a reduction of spending” on state corrections budgets, and said he “wish[es] we could accelerate” releasing violent criminals from prison.

Releasing violent criminals en masse is a mainstream position for today’s Democrat Party; just ask John Fetterman.

Barnes is just getting started.

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