rapid response

Jake - Schneider


A new CNN poll out today delivers a “devastating verdict” for Joe Biden: Americans can’t stand him.

The poll is a stark look into Americans’ deep dissatisfaction with the Biden presidency. A whopping 70 percent of Americans say things are going BADLY in the country today, while Biden’s low approval rating — just 39 percent — makes him the second-most unpopular president in modern history at this point in his term.

In fact, Americans have significant doubts about Biden’s performance, integrity, and fitness:

  • 76 percent say Biden’s policies have either worsened the economic conditions of the country or made no difference.
  • 76 percent are “seriously concerned Biden’s age might negatively affect his ability to serve another full term.”
  • 73 percent are “seriously concerned Biden’s age might negatively affect his current mental and physical competence.”
  • 68 percent are “seriously concerned Biden’s age might negatively affect his understanding of the next generation’s concerns.”
  • 61 percent, including 64 percent of independents, believe Biden was directly involved in Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business deals.
  • 55 percent, including most independents, believe Biden’s actions related to the Hunter Biden criminal probe were “inappropriate.”

Meanwhile, Biden struggles against virtually every Republican presidential candidate in head-to-head matchups as voters look to send him packing.

“Read the polls, Jack!”

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