rapid response

REMINDER: Biden Surrendered To China
Jake - Schneider

Biden continues his highly choreographed visit to Pennsylvania today, where he’s expected to announce higher tariffs on Chinese steel (that he opposed when President Trump did it) in a desperate attempt to shore up union support.

In other words, Biden is following President Trump’s lead — again.

Nobody believes Biden is suddenly cracking down on China after he spent decades championing China’s rise — at the expense of the American worker:

  • Biden repeatedly opposed President Trump’s tariffs on Chinese-made goods in 2020.
  • Biden led China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, which shuttered tens of thousands of American factories and killed millions of American jobs.
  • Biden voted to give China “most favored nation” status in the 1990s, promising it wouldn’t hurt American workers.
  • Biden spent decades defending China, saying it was in America’s “self-interest that China continue to prosper,” that “China is not our problem,” and that “we want to see China rise.”

American workers deserve a leader whose proven economic agenda will again deliver prosperity — and that’s President Trump.

  • President Trump delivered on his promise to get rid of the job-killing NAFTA deal, replacing it with the successful USMCA.
  • President Trump pulled out of the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  • President Trump has pledged a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese vehicles made in Mexico (as Biden enables China’s auto dominance).

Biden’s pathetic push is too little, too late.

American workers know who stands for them — and it’s President Donald J. Trump.

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