rapid response

Team Biden's Most Unhinged Disaster Yet
Jake - Schneider

Crooked Joe Biden’s campaign just rolled out a masked, unhinged Bob De Niro outside the New York City courthouse to boast about their deranged witch hunt against Biden's top political rival.

After months of insisting the opposite, the Biden campaign has finally conceded his entire candidacy is premised on locking his political opponent in a jail cell.

It’s election interference at the highest level.

In a scene punctuated by blaring car alarms, campaign signs in the trash, and heckles, the Biden campaign’s show was an admission Biden’s poll numbers are in the tank — and they’re getting desperate.

There’s no other explanation for having a washed up celebrity stammer through a litany of bad insults and bizarre fearmongering to insist “government will perish from the earth” if President Trump is re-elected.

Nobody buys that argument — especially when Americans can’t afford gas or groceries and the world stands at the brink of all-out war.

Plus, why else would Biden’s spokesman refuse to answer questions on Biden’s weaponized Justice Department?

It was the most unhinged disaster yet from the amateur Biden campaign, but one thing remains the same.

There’s one threat to American democracy in this election — and his name is Crooked Joe Biden.

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