rapid response

The Democrat SCOTUS Assassin

A man was just arrested outside of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home with plans to kill the justice, and the silence from Democrat leaders is deafening.

As of this writing, Joe Biden has still not condemned the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life, with the White House instead having a mid-level staffer do it for him.

The truth is that Biden and Democrats are directly responsible for this assassination attempt, excusing and encouraging activists for weeks to target justices and their families at their homes:

  • May 5: Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn activists posting the justices’ home addresses online.
  • May 6: Psaki refused to say if Biden “has a view” on activists harassing justices at their homes.
  • May 6: Nancy Pelosi called on protesters to actively pressure justices to influence their decisions.
  • May 8: Pelosi said “the focus” is to influence and change the Supreme Court’s forthcoming decision on Roe v. Wade.
    May 9: Psaki refused to condemn protests at justices’ homes even though it is against the law.
    • Psaki also refused to condemn the doxing of justices’ personal information even as threats of violence grew.
  • May 10: Psaki downplayed the harassment, claiming protests “have been peaceful to date and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges' homes."
  • May 11: Chuck Schumer answered “yes” when asked if he was “comfortable with protests…outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.”

Right now, Pelosi is even holding up a Senate-passed bill that would improve security for justices and their families. In 2020, Schumer threatened justices, by name, with a “whirlwind…you won’t know what hit you.”

It’s past time for Biden and Democrats to condemn this violence.

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