rapid response

WATCH: 5 Minutes Of Biden's Cognitive Decline
Jake - Schneider

There are a lot of questions surrounding Biden’s cognitive health following last week’s damning special counsel report.

Biden loves to say “watch me,” so we put together five straight minutes doing exactly that.


Click here to watch five straight minutes of Biden’s cognitive decline.

It’s not hard to see why the special counsel noted Biden’s “diminished faculties,” which have been on display for the world to see since the day he took office.

And it has only gone downhill from there.

In recent weeks, Biden has confused the leaders of France and Germany (twice in one day), referred to Egypt as Mexico, confused “blue states” with “green states,” falsely claimed he “started a civil rights movement,” and thought he took a photo with a congresswoman who wasn’t there.

Americans are rightly concerned. According to new polling over the weekend, 86 percent of Americans believe Biden lacks the vitality and acuity for a second term — numbers that line up with other public sentiment.

He’s not playing with a full deck — just watch him.

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