rapid response

Who's Really Afraid To Debate? Kamala Harris.
Jake - Schneider

After President Trump turned in the greatest debate performance in modern political history, Kamala's handlers are desperately trying to change the rules — just like they changed their candidate.

Kamala's debate prep must be going poorly because her handlers are desperate to change the subject.

While the Harris campaign waffles on already agreed-upon debate rules, new reporting shows Kamala's debate prep is being spearheaded by a top lawyer for Google — with whom the Harris-Biden administration is currently embroiled in antitrust litigation.

That Kamala — a former prosecutor — is literally being coached by the defendant's lawyer is not only a naked conflict of interest, it's an indication of the lengths to which Democrats will go to act as mouthpieces for Big Tech.

Then again, it's not at all surprising considering the Harris-Biden administration's collusion with their Big Tech allies to censor conservative speech and interfere in elections. The only difference is they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Regardless of which corporate mouthpiece is feeding Kamala her lines, her campaign's own spokesperson said the debate over debates was over long ago — and it's time for Kamala to face the fact that she can't hide from Americans any longer.

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