rapid response

Xi Jinping Knows Biden Is Weak
Jake - Schneider

Biden’s summit last month with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping was billed as an effort to “reduce tensions” and “calm fears of a military confrontation.”

That hasn’t happened — and tensions are higher than ever.

Now, an explosive new report indicates Xi warned his “old friend” that China will take Taiwan — by force, if necessary.

China knows Biden is weak and his administration is confused. Biden has twice committed U.S. forces to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion (which were promptly walked back). China has faced zero consequences from the Biden administration over its spying on U.S. soil, intellectual property theft, and egregious human rights abuses.

Xi’s warning is the latest failure resulting from the summit. There has been no progress on resuming military-to-military communication between the U.S. and China, despite Biden’s announcement of an “agreement” to do so. There have also been no updates on China’s alleged commitment to curbing the production of deadly fentanyl.

So, what was the point of the meeting between Biden — whose decades-long love affair with China is well documented — and Xi?

Add it to the long list of Biden’s foreign policy failures.

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