
Corrupt Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden Is Perhaps The Largest Benefactor Of Joe Biden’s Influence, Leveraging His Father’s Name And Influence For Profit



  • Hunter has a long history of leveraging Joe Biden’s name and influence for profit.
  • Fresh out of law school, Hunter was hiredas a lobbyist by one of Joe Biden’s biggest campaign donors – and they both cashed in big.
  • Over the next two decades, Hunter used his family’s influence to court Russian oligarchsChinese oil tycoonscorrupt Ukrainian businessmenKazakh bankers, and otherforeign entities.
  • Hunter was even paid$80,000 per month to serve on the board of the same Ukrainian gas company whose corruption was being investigated by Ukrainian authorities.
  • When Joe Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policies, Hunter and his associates were capitalizing on a lucrative financial relationship with a Romanian national who was later convicted of corruption.
    • The Bidens received over $1 million from the Romania deal – with 16 of the 17 payments made while Biden was vice president and the money stopping soon after Biden left office.
    • According to 2016 and 2017 emails from Hunter's laptop, divorce lawyers were aware of payments from a "Romania deal" and discussed how it should be divided between Hunter and his ex-wife.
  • While Joe Biden claims that Hunter never made money from China, bank records indicate that is a lie.
    • Hunter’s company, Hudson West V, received a $24 million wire from Ye Jianming, and Chinese energy company CEFC wired $100,000 to Hunter’s Owasco, P.C.
    • CEFC wired nearly $5 million to Hudson West III, a firm Hunter opened with Chinese associates.


  • Joe Biden denies that he has ever talked about business with his family, a complete and total lie.
  • Joe Biden personally met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates over 16 occasions between 2010 and 2018.
    • Hunter’s business associates visited the White House more than 80 times while Biden was vice president.
    • Various reports have shown that Biden has met with Hunter’s associates from all over the world, including China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Mexico.
  • In 2015, a day after Joe had dinnerwith Hunter’s Russia, Ukrainian, and Kazakh business partners, one of them emailed Hunter thanking him for the “opportunity to meet your father.”
  • In 2016, Hunter Biden’s attorney had a meeting with then-vice president Joe Biden at the White House the same day the attorney met with Hunter to discuss a subpoena related to the federal investigation into his business partner, Devon Archer, records show.
  • In 2017, two of Hunter’s business partners talked about how it’s forbidden to mention Joe’s involvement over text or email … as they mentioned Joe’s involvement over text.
  • In 2017, Joe Biden wrote college recommendation letters for the son and daughter of a Chinese financial executive with business ties to Biden’s son Hunter.
  • In 2017, Hunter requested that keys be made for his new "office mates," listing his father, Joe Biden, Jill Biden and his uncle, Jim Biden, for a space he planned to share with an "emissary" for a chairman of a Chinese energy company.
  • In 2018, Joe Biden left Hunter a voicemailtelling him he wanted to discuss his business in China.
  • Hunter and Joe Biden shared a bank account for years and paid each other’s bills.
    • Hunter admitted in 2019 that he gives his father “half” his salary and has “pa[id] for everything for this entire family for 30 years.” 
    • From December 2018 through January 2019, Joe Biden helped finance Hunter's trysts with Russia-linked escorts to the tune of $100,000.
  • Tony Bobulinski – a former Biden family business partner – detailed publiclyhow he met with Joe Biden, the “Big Guy,” to discuss a Chinese business deal.
  • In 2022, it was confirmed that Hunter’s business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the Big Guy” in a panicked message the same day The New York Post broke news of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
    • In an email to Hunter, Jim and other partners on May 13, 2017, an investment breakdown was disclosed listing 10% of a lucrative foreign venture would be held by Hunter “for the big guy.”
    • The identity of the “big guy” has formed part of a grand jury investigation in Wilmington, Delaware, into Hunter’s business dealings.



  • The Bidens’ shady business dealings date back over 45 years.
  • In 1975, shortly after Joe Biden became a Senator, Joe’s younger brother James and his business partner received a $500,000 loan from First Pennsylvania Bank, despite having only $40,000 in combined assets. 
    • Sources at the bank said the loan was made because James was Joe Biden’s brother.
  • In 1997, Joe Biden’s national finance chairman and fundraiser, Joel Boyarsky, extended a $200,000 loan to James Biden when he and his wife Sara bought a $650,000 villa outside Philadelphia.
  • In 2000, James Biden and his wife received a $350,000 loan from Leonard Barrack, a Philadelphia lawyer and former DNC finance chairman. 
    • Joe Biden, the Senate Judiciary chairman, had named Barrack, a campaign donor, to his honorary council of advisers. 
    • A few months after the loan, James paid off a $145,000 IRS lien.
  • In 2005, Scott Green, a lobbyist with close ties to Joe Biden, purchased an undeveloped U.S. Virgin Islands property from James Biden and then extended him a private mortgage. 
  • In 2008, Valerie Biden Owens’ firm received $2.5 million in consulting fees from Citizens for Biden and Biden For President Inc.
  • In 2010, James Biden was named to an executive role at Hillstone International despite a lack of previous experience and following his appointment Hillstone received a $1.5 billion contract to build housing in Iraq. 
  • In 2011, Ashley Biden’s husband Howard Krein founded StartUp Health – which was barely up and running when he was invited to meet with President Obama and Vice President Biden.
    • The next day his company was featured at a large health care tech conference run by HHS, with StartUp Health executives becoming regular visitors to the White House.
  • In 2015, John Hynansky, a Biden donor with ties to Ukraine, loaned James Biden half-a-million dollars at the same time the then-vice president oversaw U.S. policy toward the country. 
  • In 2017, Hallie Biden received $35,000 from China sent through Hunter’s associate Rob Walker.
  • In a January 2021 Inauguration Day advertisement for the law firm he advises, Frank Biden promoted his relationship with Joe Biden.
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