
Red States Outperform Blue States

New Data Confirms Republican-Led States Continue To See More Jobs And Lower Unemployment


  • Newly released data from the Labor Department confirms that Republican governors and legislatures are leading the way in getting Americans back to work.
    • More jobs are being recovered and unemployment is lower in red states.
    • Through March, nine of the top 10 states for jobs recovered since the coronavirus pandemic began are led by Republican governors, and all 10 states have Republican-controlled legislatures.
    • The top four states for jobs recovered are all led by Republicans.
    • 11 of the 13 states that have more jobs than when the pandemic hit are Republican-led: Utah, Idaho, Montana, Arkansas, Texas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, South Dakota, Indiana and Tennessee.
  • All Republican-led states have recovered at least two-thirds of their lost jobs.
    • Republican-led states on average have recovered over 98 percent of their lost jobs compared to just 86 percent for Democrat-run states.

(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/15/22)


  • Out of the top 25 states with the lowest unemployment rates, 20 are led by Republican governors and 21 have Republican-controlled legislatures.
    • 12 of the 15 states with the lowest unemployment rates are led by Republicans.
  • The average unemployment rate for the nation’s 28 states with Republican governors is just 3.2 percent.
    • Democrat-led states have an average unemployment rate nearly a percentage point higher – 4.1 percent.
  • Two-thirds of the states with unemployment rates lower than when the pandemic began are led by Republican governors, and 89 percent have Republican-controlled legislatures.
  • 17 states hit new record low unemployment rates, 13 of which have Republican governors and 16 have Republican-controlled legislatures.

(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/15/22)


  • A new report by the National Bureau of Economic Research found Republican-led states outperformed Democrat-run states on health, educational, and economic outcomes of their pandemic response.
  • 17 of the top 20 states with the best COVID response scores are led by Republican governors.
    • Nine of the top 10 states for COVID outcomes are led by Republicans, and nine of the bottom 10 states and districts are led by Democrats.
  • 19 of the top 20 states for getting their kids back in school are led by Republicans while 18 of the bottom 20 states and districts are led by Democrats.  


  • March’s Consumer Price Index surged by 8.5 percent compared to last year  – exceeding economists’ expectations and reaching a new 40-year high
  • Under Biden, 34 states have hit new record high gas prices, and in 20 states, Americans are paying average prices above $4 per gallon.
  • 83 percent of Americans report being either a great deal or a fair amount worried about inflation, with mentions of inflation as the nation’s most important problem at their highest level since 1985. 
  • Food banks have begun to see an uptick in demand as Americans across the country have now turned to them in order to feed their families. 
    • In California, one mother of three has been forced to rely on food banks saying, “it’s been a hardship.” 
    • In North Carolina, a mother who resorted to a local food pantry to feed her children said, “it’s devastating. Right now times [are] so hard to feed my kids.”  
    • In Michigan, lines have “only gotten longer” at food pantries due to rising food costs. 
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