
Arizona Gas Prices Hit $5 Average Statewide, Shattering Record

Arizona gas prices broke the five dollar per gallon mark today, shattering another all-time record. AAA reports the statewide average today hit $5.04 for a gallon of regular unleaded gas.

Fuel prices are even higher in Maricopa County, where today’s average price for a gallon of regular hit $5.39. Diesel prices also broke the all-time statewide record, hitting $5.56.

The punishing prices at the pump amid the Biden Gas Hike are felt by every Arizonan. A poll released yesterday found 97 percent of Arizona voters were worried about skyrocketing gas prices.

How did we get here? The anti-American energy extremism of Joe Biden and Arizona Democrats like Mark Kelly, who would rather buy supplies from enemy dictators than produce it here at home. Kelly voted four times to block the Keystone XL pipeline. Kelly voted three times for a ban on fracking. Kelly also voted to stop new energy production on federal lands.

The RNC continues to register fed-up voters at gas stations in Arizona and around the country.

“Joe Biden and Arizona Democrats like Mark Kelly have gifted Arizona five dollar per gallon gas — the worst in state history and something no voter will forget.” – RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

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